Original Article
Percutaneous trigger fi nger release

Pandey BK, Sharma S, Manandhar RR, Pradhan RL, Lakhey S, Rijal KP

Original Article

2023-05-25 10:08:46

BACKGROUND: Trigger fi nger is caused by formation of nodule or thickening of A1 pulley by its fibro cartilagemetaplasia resulting in entrapment of the ß exor tendon. Conservative treatment of this condition consists ofNSAIDs, splint immobilization and steroid injection into the tendon sheath. Failure of the conservative treatment is the indication of an open release. Percutaneous release of trigger fi nger is advised by several authors. The purpose of this prospective study is to evaluate the results of percutaneous release of trigger fi nger with 18 gauge needle.

METHODS: Fifty one patients with 58 trigger digits were treated by percutaneous release using 18 gauge needle under local anaesthesia. Patients were followed up for an average of 12 months.

RESULTS: Overall, 97% achieved an excellent or good result. Two digits experienced recurrent symptoms and required an open release. There was no clinical evidence of digital nerve injury or tendon bowstringing.

CONCLUSIONS: We recommend this technique as a safe and effective outpatient procedure for releasing trigger finger.

KEY WORDS: trigger finger, open release, percutaneous release.

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